Source code for pyts.datasets.ucr

Utility functions for the UCR multivariate time series classification

# Author: Johann Faouzi <>
# License: BSD-3-Clause

import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
from import loadarff
from sklearn.utils import Bunch
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import zipfile

def _correct_ucr_name_download(dataset):
    if dataset == 'CinCECGtorso':
        return 'CinCECGTorso'
    elif dataset == 'MixedShapes':
        return 'MixedShapesRegularTrain'
    elif dataset == 'NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax1':
        return 'NonInvasiveFatalECGThorax1'
    elif dataset == 'NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax2':
        return 'NonInvasiveFatalECGThorax2'
    elif dataset == 'StarlightCurves':
        return 'StarLightCurves'
        return dataset

def _correct_ucr_name_description(dataset):
    if dataset == 'CinCECGTorso':
        return 'CinCECGtorso'
    elif dataset == 'MixedShapesRegularTrain':
        return 'MixedShapes'
    elif dataset == 'NonInvasiveFatalECGThorax1':
        return 'NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax1'
    elif dataset == 'NonInvasiveFatalECGThorax2':
        return 'NonInvasiveFetalECGThorax2'
    elif dataset == 'StarLightCurves':
        return 'StarlightCurves'
        return dataset

[docs]def ucr_dataset_list(): """List of available UCR datasets. Returns ------- datasets : list List of available datasets from the UCR Time Series Classification Archive. References ---------- .. [1] `List of datasets on the UEA & UCR archive <>`_ Examples -------- >>> from pyts.datasets import ucr_dataset_list >>> ucr_dataset_list()[:3] ['ACSF1', 'Adiac', 'AllGestureWiimoteX'] """ module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) finfo = os.path.join(module_path, 'info', 'ucr.pickle') dictionary = pickle.load(open(finfo, 'rb')) datasets = sorted(dictionary.keys()) return datasets
[docs]def ucr_dataset_info(dataset=None): """Information about the UCR datasets. Parameters ---------- dataset : str, list of str or None (default = None) The data sets for which the information will be returned. If None, the information for all the datasets is returned. Returns ------- dictionary : dict Dictionary with the information for each dataset. References ---------- .. [1] `List of datasets on the UEA & UCR archive <>`_ Examples -------- >>> from pyts.datasets import ucr_dataset_info >>> ucr_dataset_info('Adiac')['n_classes'] 37 """ module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) finfo = os.path.join(module_path, 'info', 'ucr.pickle') dictionary = pickle.load(open(finfo, 'rb')) datasets = list(dictionary.keys()) if dataset is None: return dictionary elif isinstance(dataset, str): if dataset not in datasets: raise ValueError( "{0} is not a valid name. The list of available names " "can be obtained by calling the " "'pyts.datasets.ucr_dataset_list' function." .format(dataset) ) else: return dictionary[dataset] elif isinstance(dataset, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): dataset = np.asarray(dataset) invalid_datasets = np.setdiff1d(dataset, datasets) if invalid_datasets.size > 0: raise ValueError( "The following names are not valid: {0}. The list of " "available names can be obtained by calling the " "'pyts.datasets.ucr_dataset_list' function." .format(invalid_datasets) ) else: info = {} for data in dataset: info[data] = dictionary[data] return info
[docs]def fetch_ucr_dataset(dataset, use_cache=True, data_home=None, return_X_y=False): r"""Fetch dataset from UCR TSC Archive by name. Fetched data sets are automatically saved in the ``pyts/datasets/_cached_datasets`` folder. To avoid downloading the same data set several times, it is highly recommended not to change the default values of ``use_cache`` and ``path``. Parameters ---------- dataset : str Name of the dataset. use_cache : bool (default = True) If True, look if the data set has already been fetched and load the fetched version if it is the case. If False, download the data set from the UCR Time Series Classification Archive. data_home : None or str (default = None) The path of the folder containing the cached data set. If None, the ``pyts.datasets.cached_datasets/UCR/`` folder is used. If the data set is not found, it is downloaded and cached in this path. return_X_y : bool (default = False) If True, returns ``(data_train, data_test, target_train, target_test)`` instead of a Bunch object. See below for more information about the `data` and `target` object. Returns ------- data : Bunch Dictionary-like object, with attributes: data_train : array of floats The time series in the training set. data_test : array of floats The time series in the test set. target_train : array of integers The classification labels in the training set. target_test : array of integers The classification labels in the test set. DESCR : str The full description of the dataset. url : str The url of the dataset. (data_train, data_test, target_train, target_test) : tuple if ``return_X_y`` is True Notes ----- Missing values are represented as NaN's. References ---------- .. [1] H. A. Dau et al, "The UCR Time Series Archive". arXiv:1810.07758 [cs, stat], 2018. .. [2] A. Bagnall et al, "The UEA & UCR Time Series Classification Repository", """ # noqa: E501 if dataset not in ucr_dataset_list(): raise ValueError( "{0} is not a valid name. The list of available names " "can be obtained with ``pyts.datasets.ucr_dataset_list()``" .format(dataset) ) if data_home is None: import pyts home = '/'.join(pyts.__file__.split('/')[:-2]) + '/' relative_path = 'pyts/datasets/cached_datasets/UCR/' path = home + relative_path else: path = data_home if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) correct_dataset = _correct_ucr_name_download(dataset) if use_cache and os.path.exists(path + correct_dataset): bunch = _load_ucr_dataset(correct_dataset, path=path) else: url = ("{0}.zip" .format(correct_dataset)) filename = 'temp_{}'.format(correct_dataset) _ = urlretrieve(url, path + filename) zipfile.ZipFile(path + filename).extractall(path + correct_dataset) os.remove(path + filename) bunch = _load_ucr_dataset(correct_dataset, path) if return_X_y: return (bunch.data_train, bunch.data_test, bunch.target_train, bunch.target_test) return bunch
def _load_ucr_dataset(dataset, path): """Load a UCR data set from a local folder. Parameters ---------- dataset : str Name of the dataset. path : str The path of the folder containing the cached data set. Returns ------- data : Bunch Dictionary-like object, with attributes: data_train : array of floats The time series in the training set. data_test : array of floats The time series in the test set. target_train : array The classification labels in the training set. target_test : array The classification labels in the test set. DESCR : str The full description of the dataset. url : str The url of the dataset. Notes ----- Padded values are represented as NaN's. """ new_path = path + dataset + '/' try: with(open(new_path + dataset + '.txt', encoding='utf-8')) as f: description = except UnicodeDecodeError: with(open(new_path + dataset + '.txt', encoding='ISO-8859-1')) as f: description = try: data_train = np.genfromtxt(new_path + dataset + '_TRAIN.txt') data_test = np.genfromtxt(new_path + dataset + '_TEST.txt') X_train, y_train = data_train[:, 1:], data_train[:, 0] X_test, y_test = data_test[:, 1:], data_test[:, 0] except IndexError: train = loadarff(new_path + dataset + '_TRAIN.arff') test = loadarff(new_path + dataset + '_TEST.arff') data_train = np.asarray([train[0][name] for name in train[1].names()]) X_train = data_train[:-1].T.astype('float64') y_train = data_train[-1] data_test = np.asarray([test[0][name] for name in test[1].names()]) X_test = data_test[:-1].T.astype('float64') y_test = data_test[-1] try: y_train = y_train.astype('float64').astype('int64') y_test = y_test.astype('float64').astype('int64') except ValueError: pass bunch = Bunch( data_train=X_train, target_train=y_train, data_test=X_test, target_test=y_test, DESCR=description, url=("" "description.php?Dataset={}".format(dataset)) ) return bunch